Friday, June 24, 2011

Green Lantern

Ok.....I am not going to beat around the bush today so I am going to get straight to the point, ladies and gentlemen:

In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, an elite, powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. Warriors sworn to keep intergalactic order, each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him the ability to create anything his mind can imagine. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds).

My review of Green Lantern can be summed up quite like this: Great potential but poorly executed. I was so hoping that this film would be super awesome and leave me blown away. Instead, I left the movie theatre with shocked disappointment and wandaring how I could not totally bash Green Lantern in this review.

I first want to address the flaws that Green Lantern had, all of course in my opinion. There was a reoccuring mistake that this film continued to have: it did a poor job of explaning barely anything. Pretty much the entire film, I found myself nudging my Dad to ask him what was happening. I didn't catch most of anything until later in the film. It's lack of explanation defintely cost Green Lantern interest in its movie-goers. They didn't take the time to fully explain each scene and aspect of the movie. Which leads to my next point:
RUSH, RUSH, RUSH, AND MORE RUSHING!!! Geez! Gosh! I was suprised that this film was acutally rather short. They could have lengthened the film by at least another 20 or 30 minutes! Think about how much more info and extra time they could have worked with to make the film make sense! They didn't take the time to slow down, and fully describe what was going on. In the beginning in particular, actually made no sense to me. Yes, the narrator explained a little, but more could have been elaborated on.

If I had to choose one aspect about the film that had the most errors, was Hector Hammond. Wow. That had lack of explanatory all over it!. I pretty much had no idea who he was the entire film, or his relevance as the villan to the movie. I understood that he was a scientist from just pure observation; I mean, anyone could have figured that out. But, as to why he was reading other people's minds and such, I was lost. They kind of just threw him into the film, and didn't bother to explain much at all. His connection to Parallax wasn't explained well at all, and even at the end of film when it was sort of evident, it still didn't make sense. I wish I could say more on the subject, but that's about all I can say! LACK OF EXPLANATION AND MAJOR RUSHING!!!!

Martin Campbell was the director of Green Lantern, and so I have to say, I was obviously disappointed in his work. The irony of that leaves me flabbergasted, because I have admired Campbell's work from previous films, such as Casino Royale. Ok, if Casino Royale was one of the best movies I have ever seen, why couldn't the same accomplishment be made out of Green Lantern?

The final fight scene between Parallax and Green Lantern was way too short. What the heck? It lasted like two minutes-? It wasn't very impressive or epic at all. Posh. It was just another basic and predictable hero vs. villan fight scene that always results in the same ending.

Ok, if I had been sucked up into a green orb thing and transported throughout the city to be dumped by a crashed spaceship and discover an alien, I wouldn't stand there and act just nervous about him dying. I would totally freak out and scream or something. I think Hal Jordan's reaction to the discovery of the ring and lantern could have been a little more natural and believable. I think anyone would not just believe what an alien has to say, and react cooly about it. Even the scene where Hal apperars in his suit at Carrol's balcony: ok, if a strange flying man appeared at my doorstep, I would holler and freak out. She embraced his presence and tried to make out with him like an old boyfriend! What the heck!

Now onto the positives, I suppose. I was extremely pleased with Ryan Renoylds as Hal Jordan. He was a perfect selection and delivered a fantastic performance. And I have to say, he looked hot in his tight green suit!!!! I have nothing negative to say about him, same thing goes to Blake Lively. She also did a wonderful acting job that I credit them for that. The only thing I have to say is that their relationship throughout the film was so irratic, that I didn't know if they were a couple, liked each other, hated each other, ect. Oh well. I suppose they end up together in the end, right?

The viusal effects were really impressive, I have to say. The Green Lantern suits were awesome!!! So I was very pleased with the CGI and effects. They were rather fascinating and suited the film well.
Well, I can't say much else about the film. Except that this film had so much potential to be totally awesome and extrodinary, and instead, came up just short of the finish line. It had very good scenes, and yet it had very weird and bad scenes.

Overall, if you dig superhero movies, I would recommend this film to all Green Lantern lovers and ya'll can be the judge of the accuracy and what not. I am here just to critique on film quality. However, my Warner Bro. movie reviewer father who has an extensive knowledge on comic books and such labeled the movie decent. So, I shall do the same. It was alright. Not fantastic, and not absolutely terrible. I just hope that they can make a better Green Lantern 2 (hey-there is no possible way there can't be a sequel after that scene at the end of the credits-?)



  1. Wow! Makenzie you are a very talented writer! I had no idea. You say exactly what you want while giving a lot of details, and you keep everything you say very interesting. I saw green lantern and I agree. It was just decent. They could have given much more detail throughout the movie and I think an extra twenty or thirty minutes extra would have done loads to make the movie make more sense. Good call. Next time I'm about to go see a movie, I'll refer to you to see if my money can't be better spent elsewhere. I will definitely be following your blog. Like Lindsay said, good job.

  2. Why, thank you Lindsay & Brady!!! =D
